~May I Be the Being I Know I Am~

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Love's Lust

The ear strains to hear beloved's voice, hushed and heavy overtones underly every aspect of this phrase: 'choice... I praise, life... I praise, higher raise this living, pulsing, breathing, lover's craze.'

It peels back the skin- it naws raw the gut- it burns black the blood- so deep is it's touch. It's passion enflames- trains the brain straight insane- straight pounding it's rain- down the drain, down the drain...

As sand runs through the hands of the one too earger to grasp all that he can, so too does love flee demand. You say, 'be this, in this way. Appease me and I may...just love you back...I just may...'

So that's the story? Exchange of currency- a done deal signed with fret and worry? Love is freeing, lust binds down. This subtle difference shakes the ground. Deep-anchored-weight, metallic ballast...wrapped tight with malice...and hate.

Lust skews the straight and bends the strong. Love composes prose and offers songs, singing with no thought of return. Repayment un-needed when love truly yearns- when one truly lives and heart truly learns and soul truly gives and each takes its turn...willingly...filling me...spilling free with sympathy and


Anonymous said...


This is a beautifully written poem. Others have also noted the fine line between love and hate, and how quickly one can become the other. Much angst is generated over the souring of a relationship, but I think you have aptly described the underlying dynamics for many....


Anonymous said...

Hey hey,

I miss you. Stop being awesome in India and come home.

