~May I Be the Being I Know I Am~

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

~Coming Alive~ 

My inspiration for writing today comes from the subtle and deep words of Reverend Howard Thurman.  Dr. Thurman's career was distinguished by many honors, and he served as Dr. King's spiritual adviser.

He said: 

Don't ask what the world needs.
Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it.
Because what the world needs
is people who have come alive.

When I heard this quote, a strong resonance activated in me.  Feeling this resonance, I went into it, asking why I responded so strongly.  And this exploration brought a realization to the surface.  In this one pithy statement, Thurman is bringing to light the difference between the intellect-ego-mind organ and the deep heart-intuition-god guidance.

So often we have such good intentions, such a sense of wanting to do good that sits underneath our decisions and actions.  Yet, because we know no other outlet, we channel all this solely through the rational organ, the mental intellect.  Though such action can seem very productive, very busy, it doesn't touch the core of the issue at hand.  It remains heady, myopic, dualistic, hollow, and most importantly, it's source quickly fatigues.

Instead, we need to 'come alive'...we need to take a deep, honest, and fearless look into ourselves to find out what we are living for.  Are we living for another's ideals or feelings or desires, grafted on to us through indoctrination and conditioning of one sort or another?  Such an orientation to one's life simply cannot be sustained and does no one no good.  On the other hand, to touch into the soul, that deep well in us of mystery and life, will bring forth a spring and often times a geyser of incredible inspiration, power, tenderness, focus, and reality.

And this is what the world needs...
not disconnected people offering disconnected solutions for a disconnected world...
but beings that have come alive through self-inquiry and self-love, responding and offering in the fullness of their joy.

In my limited experience, this is the only real action that creates personal and collective (r)evolution.  And folks, that's exactly what we need right now.  I am putting it to myself to do the best I can in this.  And I am cheering for you too, holding a deep hope and vision that you find your aliveness and spread it far and wide.

Journey well my friend.

A few links to more information about Dr. Thurman:

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