~May I Be the Being I Know I Am~

Friday, May 01, 2009

~The 3rd Way~

We live in a world where, it seems, there are only two choices when an experience or impulse arises: either to reach for it or push it away.  With either decision, the pattern- and therefore the bondage- is strengthened.

But what about those that seek freedom from bondage?  There is a 3rd choice, a 3rd way...neither to pull nor push, but to know.  To rest in knowing, allowing the experience or impulse- whatever it may be- to express itself fully and unhindered, is this 3rd choice.  It is the only 'choice' that leads to and reveals freedom. 

This 3rd way is the path of advaita, the 'non-dual', the Buddha's 'middle path', Patanjali's Ashtanga Yoga, the Taoist path, and most likely many more teachings that I am not personally familiar with.

Resting in knowing, we eventually come to ask the question, 'what is it that knows?'.  And we turn knowing in on itself, directly, with purpose, saying, 'to whom does this all arise?'  And we come to see just how far the existential rabbit hole goes.

Beautiful is the yearning, beautiful is the journey, beautiful is the release.

Kalu Rinpoche- 'We live in illusion and the appearance of things. There is a reality; we are that reality. When you understand this, you see that you are nothing. Being nothing, you are everything. That is all.'

With a warm heart,

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